Monday, November 15, 2010

CyHi The Prynce Broke Through With 'Pure Talent'

'The traditional way is ... throw a lot of money, get your buzz on the street,' Royal Flush MC tells Mixtape Daily.
By Jayson Rodriguez

CyHi the Prynce
Photo: G.O.O.D. Music/Def Jam

Main Pick

Street King: CyHi the Prynce

Holding It Down For: Decatur, Georgia

Mixtape: Royal Flush

Real Spit: After guest appearances on a couple of Kanye West's G.O.O.D. Friday posse cuts and a spot on the Rosewood cypher during the 2010 BET Hip-Hop Awards, heads are quickly becoming familiar with the name CyHi the Prynce.

The former Mixtape Daily Fire Starter broke bread Down South before inking a deal with Akon and Def Jam, then 'Ye scooped him up to join his eclectic G.O.O.D. Music roster. Now, the Decatur rep is reintroducing himself to the public with his latest offering, Royal Flush, a 17-track set divided into four sections: Prynce of Spades, Prynce of Hearts, Prynce of Clubs and Prynce of Diamonds.

"It's somewhat the same person; it's just a mature me," CyHi told us about the tape, a follow-up to February's The Prynce of Jacks. "I'm older, wiser now. I do a lot more reading. I observe a lot more things. I'm taking it more serious and my team is taking it more serious. So it's a combination of all of us just putting forth the effort that's dedicated to the music.

"On this one, I was saving a lot of this for an album, but I put it out myself like, 'I can do this again.' I feel like I can do it more than once, more than three times. I gave y'all my nukes. I threw a couple of nukes in. Other than that, it's the same me, just more wise and more groomed."

Sounds like 'Ye may have a winning hand in the Prynce.

Joints to Check For

» "Sideways." "When I was making this song, I was just thinking, 'OK, with me being signed, some people look at me crazy, like they wish they were in [my] position,' " Cy explained. " 'Cause I didn't do it the traditional way. The traditional way is just get all your dope boys and dope girls, bring them to the club, throw a lot of money, get your buzz on the street — I just did it with pure talent. So a lot of people look at me like, 'How did he get with Kanye and Jay, and I'm bigger than him?' "

» "So Original." "I think I'm cool just being me," CyHi said. "I don't try too much; I don't try too less. I feel like I'm cool being me. I feel like it's cool to be you: Be original, don't follow in nobody's footsteps unless it's called for. If it's a legend or a role model you look up to, but other than that, do you. Be yourself. Don't let no one pressure you to do nothing you don't want to do. And be original."

» "Hero." "I always felt once you get to a certain status, higher powers even try to bring you down sometimes," the Prynce said. "I always say, 'They stoned Jesus.' How I look at it is, eventually all of us will leave here one day and hopefully we'll be inspirational to someone's life. I want to be at a level where I have a lot of influence on young brothers and sisters. To somebody, my niece, my nephew, a friend of mine, or whatever the case may be. I want to be a hero before I leave."

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